Notes: International Relations 101
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Unit 1: What is ‘international’ about international relations?
- Sovereignty
- Anarchy
- Proximate vs. underlying causes
- Proximate cause
- Answers the question: “Why did this happen the way it did?”
- This is focus of historic research
- Underlying cause
- Answers the question: “Why was this asking to happen?”
- Focus of political science research
- Proximate cause
- The Strategic World
Unit 2: Conflict versus cooperation
- Overview
- How can individually rational behavior lead to collectively irrational outcomes?
- Can the shadow of the future induce two states to play nice with one another?
- What is the future is never ending?
- Prisoner’s Dilemma
- The Cult of the Offensive
- Tariffs and the Barriers to Free Trade
- Arms Races
- The Shadow of the Future
- Grim Trigger
- Benevolent Cooperation
Unit 3: Rationalist explanation for war
- The Rationality of War
- The Unitary Actor Assumption
- War’s Inefficiency Puzzle
- The Algebraic Bargaining Model of War
- War’s Bargaining Range
- Crisis Bargaining
- Preventive War
- Information Problems and Incentives to Misrepresent
- Issue Indivisibility
- Preemptive War
- Understanding War
- Militarized Interstate Disputes
- Correlates of War and the Long Peace
Unit 4: International trade
- Absolute Advantage
- Comparative Advantage
- Trade Rivalry
- Resolving Trade Disputes
- The Relative Gains Problem
Unit 5: The Democratic Peace Theory
- What Is the Democratic Peace?
- Explaining the Democratic Peace
- Correlation versus Causation
- The McDonald’s Peace Theory
- Economic Interdependence
- The Rise of China
Unit 6: Principal-Agent Problems and Leader-Based Explanations
- What Are Principal-Agent Problems?
- Diversionary War
- Gambling for Resurrection
- Democratic Accountability
- Leader Retirement
- Peace through Instability and Fighting for Survival
- Bargaining and Leaders
- Pandering (to Ohio and Florida)
- Leaders, Uncertainty, and Tenure
Unit 7: Economic Sanctions
- Economic Sanctions Basics
- Selecting on the Dependent Variable
- Selection Problems
- The TIES Database
- Costly Signaling
- Sanctions and Leaders
Unit 8: The United Nations
- Background and the United Nations Security Council
- Veto Power on the United Nations Security Council
- Insincere Voting, Outside Options, Libya, and Syria
- Bribery on the Security Council
- The Rally ‘Round the Flag Effect
- Ideology in the United Nations General Assembly
Unit 9: Public Goods Provision
- What Is a Public Good?
- Monitoring Institutions
- Collective Action Problems
- Hegemonic Provision of Public Goods
- Issue Linkage
Unit 10: Nuclear Weapons
- Who Has Nuclear Weapons
- Mutually Assured Destruction
- Is War Obsolete?
- The Stability-Instability Paradox
- Nuclear Pessimism
- Leveraging Nuclear Strength
- Bargaining over Nuclear Weapons
- Iran’s Nuclear Program
- Covert Nuclear Programs
- The Iraq War: A Rational Mistake?
Unit 11: Terrorism, Insurgency, and Intervention
- Are Terrorists Rational?
- Why Suicide Terrorism?
- The Definition of Terrorism
- Spoiling the Peace
- Should We Ignore Terrorists?
- Where Does Terrorism Fester?
- Commitment Problems
- Exploitation and Civil War Settlements
- The Critical Barrier to Civil War Settlement